knowing jesus & making him known

Summer Service Times:

Saturdays @ 6 p.m.

Sundays @ 10 a.m.

Current Events


Everybody Everyday is a beautiful prayer initiative at Table Rock Fellowship. This fall, an elder-led team of trusted people will be praying for each and everybody every day! We would love to receive three specific prayer requests from you which you can submit through this form. The deadline for your fall prayer requests is Sunday, August 18th.

Prayer Requests

Daily devotions

We love planting God's word deeply into our hearts. 

One of the ways we do that is by emailing daily devotionals related to our weekend sermons.

Sign up

Food Assistance

Are you a regular attendee at Table Rock Fellowship and struggling to put food on the table?  Good news!  Our Pantry outreach is here for you! Click the below button and a TRF Staff member will get in touch with you shortly to see how we can help!

Apply here

30 Days of Inspiration: Marriage

Looking for 30 ways to improve your Christian marriage?  Sign-up below to receive a single practical tool each day, for the next 30 days, that will include a corresponding Bible verse and brief explanation.  

Sign Up

We'd love to meet you!

Table Rock Fellowship is located in Medford, Oregon. 

Whether you're from the Rogue Valley or you're just passing through,

please stop by and say, "Hi!"

We love meeting new people, and we would love to meet you!